Updated: November 11, 2015

Study Abroad

There are a number of educational and social opportunities to experience in college. The only option that offers the opportunity to see the world for credit is study abroad. For more information, check out our links to why study abroad is rewarding, preparing for the trip overseas, choosing the right program, and funding study abroad. We’ve also included resources for international students looking to study overseas for most of their college career.

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Why Study Abroad?

Study abroad is an unforgettable experience. Take a look at the Top 10 Reasons to Study Abroad if you are interested in taking advantage of the once in a lifetime opportunity.

Choosing a Study Abroad Program

Do not be overwhelmed by the number of study abroad programs available. Instead, be excited. When narrowing down your options, think about the type of environment you would like to explore. Also think about why you want to study abroad. After understanding what you want to achieve academically and personally, go online or to a campus study abroad coordinator to learn more about specific programs.

Preparing for Study Abroad

There is a lot of preparation required before leaving to study abroad. You will need to get/update your passport, apply for a student visa, get vaccinated (if required), transfer currency, and look into insurance. Double check for all paperwork required months before you leave. Take a look at your housing to find your bearings before arriving. Also, familiarize yourself with the language and culture of that country. Your study abroad advisors are a great resource to answer any questions you have about preparation.

Funding for Your Study Abroad Program

Studying abroad is not only for the wealthy. There is a great deal of financial aid available for students who need help paying for their program. Scholarships are need-based, and for students who are passionate about the program. Consider programs offered directly by your college. Often those programs will accept your current financial aid so you will avoid paying extra for housing and tuition at an overseas university. Conduct a free scholarship search to help cover the costs of your study abroad program.

International Students and Financial Aid

The financial aid process is unfortunately more difficult for international students. Popular federal aid programs that are only available to U.S. citizens. Therefore international students must find other sources of funding. Luckily, there are private scholarships, grants, and fellowships available for international students looking to receive an American education.